Rehearsal: Main functions of the Yamaha MG10XU mixer. Here's more about the Yamaha MG10XU mixer's main buttons, faders and knobs

#Rehearsal #Yamaha #Mixer #Functions

Written By Audrey (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

ON/OFF buttons: Each channel on the mixer has an ON/OFF button that turns the channel on or off. This can be useful if you don't need every channel every time you use the mixer. The ON/OFF buttons can also be used to deactivate channels when adjusting input levels to avoid unwanted noise.

Channel faders: Channel faders are used to adjust the volume of each input channel. Faders are often referred to as "level potentiometers" and are often used to adjust the relative volume of different audio sources. Channel faders can also be used to create smooth transition effects between different audio sources.

EQ potentiometers: EQ potentiometers are used to adjust the frequencies of each input channel. The Yamaha MG10XU mixer's EQ knobs are divided into three frequency bands: bass, midrange and treble. The EQ knobs can be used to cut or attenuate certain frequencies to correct acoustic problems or achieve the desired sound effect.

Gain knobs: Gain knobs adjust the input level of each input channel. Gain knobs are often used to avoid distortion by adjusting the level of the audio source to match the mixer's output level.

Effect knobs : The Yamaha MG10XU mixer is equipped with several built-in effects, such as reverb and delay. The effect buttons activate or deactivate these effects for each input channel.

Pan knobs: Pan knobs adjust the stereo position of each input channel. Pan knobs can be used to position each audio source within the stereo image to create a more balanced mix.

Master volume fader : The master volume fader is used to adjust the overall output level of the mixer. This fader is often referred to as the "master level potentiometer". The master volume fader allows you to adjust the output level to suit different sound systems.